Physical therapy ads (3 top examples to learn from)

Don't let your physical therapy ads fall short. You need to steal our hot tips to convert onlookers into patients and back pain into revenue.

Bailey Petts
Bailey Petts

Table of Contents

When it comes to your physical therapy marketing strategies (and physical therapy marketing efforts in general), you want them to be directed at your target audience for fast results.

Physical therapy clinics place a lot of importance on word-of-mouth referrals, but sometimes that doesn't cut it.

To get the name of your physical therapy practice out there - fast - you might want to consider investing in advertisements.

You can find cost-effective options that:

  1. Get you in front of your target audience
  2. Have measurable results
  3. Can be time-managed
  4. Are easily customisable
  5. Are easy to use

That's not too much to ask, is it?

Not today. With Facebook ads, Google Ads and many more, you're can set up an advertising campaign that's within your budget and results-focused (meaning more happy patients).

When you're looking to boost your physical therapy clinic's presence online, give physical therapy marketing a go in the form of paid ads. They can work. If you do it right.

Let's check out some physical therapy ad examples and learn from the best.

Types of physical therapy ads

When you're looking to boost your physical therapy practice with your physical therapy marketing strategies, it's good to be aware of the choices.

For adverts, there's not just one example of how your advert should look.

Current and prospective patients want to understand your unique selling proposition instantly, but they also want to see adverts with clear writing and high-quality images.

You can choose between:

  • Print ads
  • Facebook ad
  • Google Ads (an easy win for search engine optimization)
  • Other social media marketing adverts such as on Instagram
  • Podcast advertising
  • Direct mail advertising
  • Television advertising
  • Radio ads

Your medium matters. Whether more traditional physical therapy marketing works for you (such as print ads) or you need to hone your craft with your digital marketing efforts (for more patients to explore your Facebook Page or increase your web traffic), choosing the right medium will save you a lot of money and time.

Focusing on digital marketing, another critical thing to consider is whether you want a static ad or a video for your marketing campaign.

Let's see some physical therapy ad examples and see what works.

Nuffield Health YouTube advert

In terms of video marketing, this advert is very effective. We see a real person debating the effects of physical therapy (and the cost).

The cost is something many people will wonder about before investing in a physical therapy session. Nuffield Health breaks down the costs and the frequency of visits needed for results, making the viewer consider it as a valuable health investment.

Complete Physio Google advert

This is effective for search engine marketing. Within a few words, we know where the physical therapy clinic is, the level of experience and the USP (sports injury rehab and spinal conditions). And, of course, a clear call to action.

If you want to go down the Google Ads route, then your search engine marketing efforts will be rewarded quickly. Pair this with writing an SEO-focused blog post each week and review management; you'll be hard to miss on the search engine.

Australian Physiotherapy Association static advert for social media marketing

While this is more of a collective association for all registered physical therapists, this advert packs a punch. It's aimed at tradies with clear and direct copy: 'add a physio to your toolkit.'

How to create a compelling physical therapy ad (top formula)

You don't want your ads to feel like invasive pop-ups, and if your targeting is right, they'll be well received.

The key is to follow this formula for your physical therapy marketing otherwise you're spending money on physical therapy marketing efforts that will be lost on potential patients (and new patients).


  1. The problem you're solving for your prospective patients
  2. The benefits of attending an appointment at your physical therapy clinics
  3. An emotional element: what defines the physical therapy patient experience? (This is why including testimonials from past patients works!)
  4. A sense of urgency. You want people to act fast so include a promotion for your physical therapy clinic that doesn't last too long

What to include in your physical therapy ads

For your physical therapy marketing plan, you need to make sure you're hitting the below features for your physical therapy ad to be impactful.

  • A clear headline
  • Language that's casual (but persuasive). Don't use over-technical terms that the average Joe wouldn't understand.
  • A call to action such as 'book your appointment today'
  • A promotion (for that sense of urgency)
  • Your USP defined
  • Contact details

How to measure the success of your physical therapy marketing

When it comes to running adverts, whether it's a Facebook ad or a few Google Ads, you want to see tangible results.

With Google Analytics and metrics from your social media accounts, you can see things like: how many adverts were clicked on, how many impressions and how many people bought something through the advert.

You can even split-test your physical therapy marketing campaigns to see which one is the most effective.

Wrapping up

Investing in adverts for your physical therapy practice can supercharge your visibility and increase your website and foot traffic quickly.

Another way to boost your physical therapy practice is to request reviews from your past patients. With online reviews, you can establish your authority and expertise in the world of physical therapy and stand out.

Spending time on adverts is one thing, but the best way to convert prospective patients into new patients is to display authentic social proof on your social media platforms and website.

You just need to be proactive in asking for online reviews. But, don't settle for a cookie-cutter review request.

Use Cloutly today to send personalised video review requests to your patients and receive video testimonials back (to use across all of your physical therapy marketing efforts).

It's the ultimate way to describe the patient experience without sounding jaded or inauthentic.


Bailey Petts

Content & Copy @ Cloutly. Lover of words!

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