Why you should monitor customer reviews (and how to avoid costly mistakes) Paid Members Public
If you don't monitor customer reviews, you'll fall behind. Get to know the ins and outs of review monitoring now.

Tripadvisor ratings: the secret to 5-star success Paid Members Public
You need Tripadvisor ratings if you want heaps of bookings. How will you rank on one of the top review sites?

How to capture an EPIC employee testimonial video (and why you should) Paid Members Public
Want the best candidates lining up to work for you? Get glowing employee testimonial videos using this foolproof guide.

How to write the perfect testimonial video script (3 examples you must see) Paid Members Public
Ready to jazz up your marketing with a testimonial video script? Discover how the best companies are doing it.

Reputation management for doctors (9 practices for success) Paid Members Public
Don't rely on people being sick to come to you - reputation management for doctors is key for success.

How to ask for a video testimonial (super effective method) Paid Members Public
Asking for a video testimonial doesn't need to be difficult. Your customers won't be able to resist recording their videos after you implement our approach.

Best video testimonial software (top 3 for 2022) Paid Members Public
Up your review game and find the best video testimonial software - before your competitors do.

How to remove a Tripadvisor review (only working method) Paid Members Public
Want to remove a Tripadvisor review without panicking? Read our guide.